Ugly Girl went to the "Sunday matinee" at Lincoln Center with her mom and her younger sister.
But after 5 minutes into the dance she knew that she had to escape.
She knew that her mom and her sister would be very disappointed but she went outside.
Ugly Girl went for a walk in NYC.
As she walked past a park she thought she would see Matt with another girl and her heart started beating.
Sure, it wasn't Matt, but as you can see, her beating heart has to mean something.
In that chapter I get known something about Ugly Girl's past, too.
In 8th grate she went to the school shwimm team every week.
During that time she started thinking that she is ugly and fettish and because some older boys teased her (called her "thunder thighs") she left the team.
I think she stared withdrewing from everything.
At the end of that chapter she saw a few women who looked like her, that means they looked different to the others.
She felt good because of that.
I liked that chapter, but it's a bit too long.