This chapter starts with a detailed report of Ugly Girl's feelings and thoughts after the basketballmatch.
She is very disappointed of herself because of losing the match and she is scared of her parents feeling ashamed because of her.
As she walks outside the gym one of her "friends", Bonnie, tells her the story of the bomb.
After listening to all presumptions about Matt Donaghy she says directly, that she doesn't believe any of these.
Nobody says a word about the match after hearing of "the bomb".
In that chapter I get known Ugly Girl a bit more.
The relationship to her parents seems to be disturbed, because her younger sister, Lisa, is "the perfect" child, a "girly-girl", and Ugly Girl is not.
Her parents pay all attention to the things which her younger sister does and they don't care about the things what Ugly Girl does.
I think it's strange that she seems to be the only person who knows Matt good enough to know, that he wouldn't want to blow up the school.
But I think that's the life at school.
Pupils say a lot of things only to make the normal schoollife a bit more interesting and they don't care about the feelings of anybody or about the truth of the story. Pupils care about anything and that's a big problem at all schools.
After reading the 3 chapter Ugly Girl get's more important to me.
It's great and interesting to get the feeling of being in her head.
I am greatful that you summarize everything thank you for your help. I wanted someone to share everything about this book, along time I read the book. I do not even understand anything about what they were saying and ther perspetive were mix up. thank you