A female reporter tells the rumours about the bomb threat at Rocky River High and says that this has not been confirmed.
So, not only the Rocky River High is talking about that (and probably about Matt) but also the whole town.
Ugly Girl doesn't want her mother to know what is going on there, because she is not in mood to talk to her.
Like almost always Ugly Girl has Inky Black in her head and she thinks it would go away by leaving the team, but it doesn't.
She gets even more "pissed" that evening because of her mom and her younger sister, Lisa.
Both of them feel guilty because they weren't at Ugly Girl's basketballmatch like everytime and want to apologize for that.
It almost seems like Ugly Girl is envious of her younger sister, even if she can't stand "prissy little ballerinas".
Besides she is very scared of her father leaving the family, because she kind of knows what will happen if he does. (Her friend Bonnie almost killed herself because her father had left the family.)

Because her mother saw the report about the Rocky River High on TV, too, Ugly Girl has to explain what happend and who the guy is who wants to kill everybody and so on...

She tells her that everything is not true, and that she KNOWS it.
After that she writes an e-mail to Matt, even though her mom had indirectly forbidden her, because she knows that she is a witness who knows the truth.
I liked reading that chapter because now I'm sure that something is wrong with that family.
Not only because Ugly Girl's sister or because the relationship between Ugly Girl and her parents is disturbed...
I think the relationship between her mom and her dad is disturbed, too, because her dad isn't at home all the time and her mom sits at home, alone.
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